From Generation to Generation
Talking to children and grandchildren about their faith/spiritual life is a challenge and a blessing that God has given us a grandparents. Dr. Mary Manz Simon outlines some ways to approach your conversations. This is a reproducible resource is great for congregational use or for individuals. Download and share.

Lessons I Learned in Life by Rev. Robert J. L. Zimmer, is a series of essays related to the values and ideals that one retired pastor wrote for his grandchildren. Published by ALOA, the book’s topics are excellent as discussion starters for youth groups. It also makes an ideal gift for a young person (12 or older) you care about. Cost: $10 plus $3 for postage/handling. Purchase by sending a check to ALOA at PO Box 4367, Clearwater, FL 33758.

Faith Stories™ – helping older adults record a video testimony of their faith and life story. This resource partners older adults with young people to produce their video Faith Story. Check out our “how to” for creating a Faith Stories video of your own or as an intergenerational project of your congregation.
ALOA Videos – Short format videos on topics important to older adults were created to be discussion starters. See intergenerational topics here.
Cross+Gen Life – Resources for faith conversations between the old and the young.

Grand Days: Ideas for sharing faith moments between grandparents and grandkids. Lutheran grandparents share their kid-tested ideas for fun activities that help foster cross-generational relationships. Published by Group Publishing, the book is available from ALOA for $15, plus $3 for postage/handling. Purchase by sending a check to ALOA at PO Box 4367, Clearwater, FL 33758.
Extreme Grandparenting by Tim & Darcy Kimmel Grandparents have a vital role in the lives of their grandchildren, not only as a mentor and loving family member, but as a spiritual rock during the hard times. This book approaches grandparenting from a faith-based perspective and presents the challenges and opportunities for grandparents in carrying out their vital role in the lives of their grandchildren.

Faith Footprints with My Grandchild by Mary Manz Simon
During a season of life when grandmothers appear to lose so much—our hair, our health, even our pets—God gifts us with a child. We have another opportunity to view life through the eyes of a child, and as a result, each new day overflows with possibilities. 52 inspirational Scriptures, devotional thoughts, and prayers for grandmothers, along with simple Christian lifestyle activities to do with a grandchild.
ALOA Videos
Short format videos on topics important to older adults were created to be discussion starters. The Bible icon indicates those that have a related Bible study that can be easily downloaded and reproduced for congregational class or small group study.