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Joint conference of ALOA and POAMN (Presbyterian Older Adult Ministry) brought together attendees from both faith communities on February 26, 2022 at Christ Our Redeemer Lutheran Church in Temple Terrace, Florida. Attendees heard powerful insights of major presenters and were able to participate in workshop sessions to dig deeper into the topics. Recordings of these topics and related workshops, along with presentation resources are available below.

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Roland Martinston –
The Promise & Strength Seniors Bring to the Ministry of the Church

Get the Slide Deck for Roland Martinson’s Presentation

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Roland Martinson Workshop –
The Spark & Tinder to Renew and Sustain the Church

Get the Slide Deck for Roland Martinson’s Workshop

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Pat Baker –
Care Partners From the Receiving End: What’s Worth Knowing

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Pat Baker Workshop –
Empowered Care Partners

Get the Slide Deck for Pat Baker’s Workshop

Photos: Rev. Dr. Mike Fonfara