ALOA’s Congregational Centers for Vital and Resilient Aging is the latest program undertaken by ALOA aimed at impacting the lives of older adults in our congregations and communities. The program is comprised of three components, which are being developed and rolled-out over the next few years.
Here’s an overview of the program.

ALOA’s Older Adult Ministry Toolkit – Work is well underway on the Toolkit, which will serve as a guide to congregations in developing or strengthening intentional older adult ministries. The goal for the toolkit is to provide resources in four main areas:
• Spiritual
• Educational
• Community building/Social
• Intergenerational
Background information to form a shared understanding of each area, along with listings and descriptions of trusted resources are being included.
Following on the heels of the Toolkit will be development of Congregational Consultations. Envisioned to be an ongoing series of opportunities the consultations will be designed to educate, support and encourage congregations to develop intentional ministry for the older adults in their congregation and in the community in which they serve. Consultations will be either via video conferencing or in person, depending on the needs and size of the congregation, as well as current health guidelines.
Congregational Cohort groups – Finally, the program includes creation of regional cohort groups with congregations interested in this vital work. Regional cohort groups are planned to facilitate the sharing of experiences between congregations and enabling them to become a resource for each other.
We are grateful for the support of the ELCA and the Lutheran Services for the Elderly Endowment in providing financial support that enables ALOA to offer a new and vital program for congregations and the older adults they serve.