Dr. Mary Manz Simon, ALOA Board of Directors
“Annus horribilis,” Latin for “horrible year,” is how Queen Elizabeth described 1992. After a tragic fire in Windsor Castle and marriages falling apart in the royal family, that Latin term was an excellent choice.

Would you describe 2022 as “Annus horribilis?”
Coping with loss, pain or the challenges of growing older can be staggering. We might reach a point of deep discouragement or hopelessness.
The Old Testament prophet Elijah felt like that. He had legitimate reasons to throw a pity party. When the evil Queen Jezebel ordered him to be killed, Elijah sought safety in a cave. Fears took over. When he didn’t hear God in the wind, earthquake or fire, Elijah almost missed God speaking in a “still small voice.”
Like Elijah, when life overwhelms, we might miss hearing God. Because we know God can move mountains, we have expectations of how He might speak.
- When we long for a miracle, God might work through a therapist with a healing touch.
- When we pray for answers, God might lead us to an expert with excellent advice.
- And when we need to be reminded that God hasn’t forgotten us, He might use His own “still small voice.”
As we begin this new year, expect that God will walk alongside. Actively look for reflections of His deep affection and bottomless love. And listen attentively, for God just might whisper your name.
Take a look at previous posts for more inspiration for older adult ministry.