Dr. Mary Manz Simon, ALOA Board of Directors

Although older adults contribute significantly to the financial health of Lutheran congregations, few church budgets allocate enough funding to support ministries by/with/for this core demographic.
Create a healthy volunteer culture for your older adult ministry with these six steps adapted from new Lifeway Research:
- Honestly answer a key question: Why are you recruiting? (See Ephesians 4:12 if needed.)
- Pinpoint the reasons people in your congregation might be motivated to serve. (Being “guilted” does not count!)
- Identify a “champion.” Look especially for an “influencer” who has an established network of people in your church and community.
- Capitalize on relationships. Personally asking individuals in a one-on-one conversation affirms their God-given strengths, abilities and gifts.
- Focus on the ministry, not your desperation. Volunteers who serve joyfully are motivated, not manipulated.
- Continue the connection. Don’t abandon the volunteer who says, “Yes.” Offer opportunities to learn, grow and be re-energized alongside others.
Be encouraged.
Ten thousand people turn 65 every single day, so the potential of involving older adults in peer ministry is growing exponentially. Tap into this expanding pool and watch your older adult ministry blossom.

Check out this video to see how serving changes as we age.
Take a look at previous posts for more inspiration for older adult ministry.