ALOA Videos – Short format videos on topics important to older adults were created to be discussion starters. See topics related to independence to interdependence here.
Seniors in Transition – An 8 week series of classes designed to help people make more pro-active decisions about living options as we age. This link gets you to the website for Bethlehem Lutheran in Santa Rosa, CA (Click on “Seniors in Transition” under “Health Ministry Links” on the left side). This congregation developed the material through a grant from Wheat Ridge Ministries, and it gives a nice look at an active health and wellness ministry in a local congregation. It can be adapted for use in other congregations by inserting local resources into the Seniors in Transition material.

Being Mortal by Atul Gawande. It seems this book is about end of life – and it is, but it is also a valuable resource on the various care options and strong alternatives, AND the best questions to ask in the process of making decisions about what is next and why.
The Village Concept: Aging in Place – Villages are nonprofit, grassroots membership organizations that improve quality of life and expand choices at all stages of aging. Village members and supporters come together to imagine and build the best experience of aging possible. Villages are led by older adults who share their skills, support and expertise with each other to navigate the challenges and opportunities of aging. A better experience is possible when we can grow with and rely on each other. Village members come together to provide support services and create new possibilities for what’s next as we age.
Faith-based villages are becoming more common as faith communities use the village model to organize their work with and for older adults. Care Connections Network and LIV-UP are two examples of faith-based villages. Find out more
Find out more about the village concept: Village to Village network