CareSharing by Marty Richards – Exploration of reciprocity through care partnering, amidst grief, hope, family forgiveness and other spiritual dimensions of caring. www.amazon.com

Finding Sanctuary in the Midst of Alzheimer’s by Dr. Elizabeth Shulman – This book addresses common challenges caregivers face using scripture and personal narratives in a Bible study format. Designed to provide churches and support groups with the tools to find hope and thrive as caregivers. www.amazon.com

Weary Joy by Kim Marxhausen – Caregiver support through stories, explanations, tips, and devotional connections. Includes discussion questions that make a good starting point for conversations with family members, as well as resources and checklists to help navigate the journey. www.amazon.com
Care Resources in the time of COVID-19
The virus has put the strain on those supporting loved ones in a care facility. It’s also made decision making for those in need of rehab or nursing care even more complicated. Here are some resources that may be helpful.
Dementia-Friendly Congregations – Dementia Friendly America has a video of tips for congregations on welcoming those with dementia and their caregivers. You’ll also find links to other resources for faith communities. Find out more about the organization and its goal to make our communities more age-friendly and dementia-friendly at dfamerica.org
Seniors in Transition – Highly recommended! This is an excellent 8 week series of classes designed to help people make more pro-active decisions about living options as we age. This link gets you to the website for Bethlehem Lutheran in Santa Rosa, CA (Click on “Seniors in Transition” under “Health Ministry Links” on the left side). This congregation developed the material through a grant from Wheat Ridge Ministries, and it gives a nice look at an active health and wellness ministry in a local congregation. You’ll need to insert your own local resources into the Seniors in Transition material, but it is well put together and adaptable for local use.
No Act of Love is Every Wasted: The Spirituality of Caring for Persons with Dementia by Jane Marie Thibault & Richard L. Morgan. ($16.00). Nashville: Upper Room Books, 2009. Exploration of spiritual concerns for those with dementia and those who care for and about them. Offers practical suggestions for support. www.upperroom.org

A Spirituality of Caregiving by Henri J.M. Nouwen & John S. Mogabgab. $9.99. Nashville: Upper Room Books, 2011. Anthology of inspirational and practical reflections by a well-known theologian on his own experiences with caring for others. www.upperroom.org
Lay Pastoral Care Giving by Tim Farabaugh. Nasville: Upper Room Books, 2009. ($18.00) A comprehensive course training lay persons to reach out with God’s love to those across the life cycle who struggle with suffering, illness etc. www.upperroom.org
Support group help from Mayo Clinic – How to pick the one that is right for you.
Hospice info from Mayo Clinic – General info about Hospice