A panel of ministry leaders share their experiences and explore the potential that older adults bring to the congregation as life-long learners.
Panelist Contact Information:
- Sue Lennartson – suelennartson@gmail.com
- Pastor Chris Olson Bingea – pastor.chris@me.com
- Pastor Kelly Chatman – kchatman@saintandrews.org
- Pastor Roland Martinson – rmartins@luthersem.edu
Resources mentioned
- Encouragers Prayer Team
- Word of the Week Devotional Booklet
- Elder’s Rising: The Promise & Peril of Aging
- Joyfully Aging: A Christian’s Guide
- 48 Older Adult Ministry Ideas
- Calling All Years Good: Christian Vocation throughout Life’s Seasons
- Grand Days: Ideas for Sharing Faith Moments Between Grandparents and Grandkids

Notes From Jesus — This 64-page hardcover book is packed with Jesus’ messages that he wants every kid to know. Kids discover that Jesus is the best friend anyone could ask for! He’s always up for hearing how their day went, listening to their worries, and even laughing at silly jokes. And he wants to share about himself, too.

Don’t Just Teach, Reach – This practical book is the must-have book for all ministry leaders. No matter the age you’re trying to reach, this handy book will provide you with the ideas you need to connect with hearts, minds, and souls.

God Space – for the adult who wants to help others draw closer to God. This book will help readers understand how to bring God into conversations without shutting it down.Activating God Space – this 6-session study helps small groups to become outwardly focused and create a magnetic culture that draws people toward God.

The Jesus-Centered Life – This book takes the reader on a personal journey towards a closer and more intimate relationship with Jesus.

Eyewitness – this first-of-its-kind story Bible for adults is a perfect, non-threatening way to help people engage in conversation about faith and growing a relationship with Jesus. The beautiful artwork and intriguing first-person stories naturally draw curiosity and provide a launching pad for letting God work.

Jesus-Centered Bible – this Bible engages the reader in discovering God’s plan for Jesus starting in Genesis and going all the way through Revelation. The blue lettering in the Old Testament shows the reader passages that tell of Jesus’ coming in the New Testament. This is a great study Bible for anyone looking to grow a closer relationship with Jesus.